Posted on April 17, 2019
So what is on offer to the friends, family members, business or work colleagues of our loyal clients?
Referral’s from our valued clients will be entitled to a FREE initial consultation with one of our expert Financial Advisers!
- Answer any questions and concerns you may have
- Discuss your goals and objectives and what you would like to achieve in the short, medium and long term
- Go through a financial fact find to understand you and your situation better
- Comment around your current financial situation and provide general advice
- Test your risk profile to see how risk adverse you are
- Discuss ways that we may be able to assist you in the short, medium and long term.
- Wealth creation – Establishing a regular savings regime to build wealth over time.
- Insurance – Ensuring you and your family are covered financially in case of an unfortunate event.
- Retirement planning – How you can prepare for retirement, what strategies should be implemented before you exit the workforce. If you were to retire now, how much pension would you receive.
- Superannuation Review – To ensure your superannuation is invested according to your attitude to risk. Ensure you are paying only one sets of fees (consolidation of supers), and to ensure your super is managed appropriately.
- Aged care – Assistance with fees, options and strategies to ensure you are left in the best possible position.
- Pensions – How much pension will/can you receive in retirement, what are your options in drawing a pension from super, how much pension will you receive from super and from the Government.
- Salary packaging – setting up salary sacrificing, how much can you salary sacrifice each year. What other salary packages are available to you.
- Tax planning– Assisting in ways to minimise the tax you pay.
Only if you wish to engage in our services, we will then provide you with a Statement of Advice document, which provides specific recommendations for your circumstances.
The recent sharp rise in bond rates may not be a big topic of conversation around the Sunday barbecue, but it has set pulses racing on financial markets amid talk of inflation and what that might mean for investors. The change may not seem like much, but to bond watchers it’s significant. Rates have since settled a little lower, but the market is still jittery.
The many unpredictable events of 2024 could easily have been disastrous for investment markets. Instead, we saw remarkable resilience and growth despite occasional volatility as investors reacted to the extraordinary times.
For most people, life insurance provides a safety net against unexpected events. This is particularly the case if you have a mortgage, debts or family who are dependent on you earning an income. In many cases, life insurance has been automatically offered through superannuation. Although 85 per cent of people hold life insurance this way, a recent survey found one third of them don’t even realise.